
All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

Demon Hunter Sword

Price 2180
Physical ATK +35
Attack Speed +25%
Unique Passive - Devour: Basic Attacks will deal 10% of the target's current HP as additional physical demage (up to 60 against monsters).
Unique Passive - Devour: Each basic attack grants 4% health stealing for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

Deadly Blade

Price 2050
Physical ATK +65
Attack Speed +20%
Unique Passive - Life Drain: Basic Attacks reduces HP regen effect by 50% for 3 seconds.

Corrosion Scythe


Price 2250
Physical ATK +50
Move. SPD +5%
Attack Speed +25%
Unique Passive - Corrosion: Basic Attacks have 50% probability of slowing the enemy unit by 40%. Long-ranged basic attacks only slow enemies by 20%.
Unique Passive - Impulse: Basic Attacks deals demage to enemies, while hero's attack speed rises by 8%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 3 seconds..

Golden Staff

Price 2300
Physical ATK +65
Attack Speed +30%
Unique Passive - Swift: Every 1% of critical chance will add 1% attack speed.
Unique Passive - Endless Strike: Normal basic attacks add a stack of Endless Strike, the effect of the next basic attack is triggered 3 times.

Wind of Nature


Price 2060
Physical ATK +10
Attack Speed +25%
Lifesteal +15%
Unique Passive - Wind Chant: Activate to become immune to all physical demage. Lasts 2 seconds. Cooldown is 80 seconds. Duration is reduced by half when not using a marksman.
Unique Passive - Wind Chant: Immune to all physical demage.

Malefic Roar

Price 2060
Physical ATK +60
- -
Unique: +40% Physical PEN.
Unique Passive - Armor Buster: Basic attack will ignore 20% of a defense turret's defensive armor.

Haas's Claws

Price 1810
Physical ATK +70
- -
Unique: +20% Lifesteal.
Unique Passive - Insanity: When HP drops below 40%, the hero will receive an extra 10% physical lifesteal.

Berserker's Fury

Price 2200
Physical ATK +65
Crit. Chance +25%
Unique: +40% Crit. Demage.
Unique Passive - Doom: Critical hits increase the hero's Physical Attack by 5% for 2 seconds.

Endless Battle


Price 2470
Physical ATK +65
Mana Regen +25
HP +250
Cooldown +10%
Move. Speed +5%
Lifesteal +15%
Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After using a skill, the next basic attack will deal an additional 85% of Physical Attack as True Demage. This effect has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
Unique Passive - Chase Fate: When Divine Justice's effect is triggered, it will increase the hero's movement speed 15%.



Price 2470
ATK Speed +40%
Move. Speed +20
Crit. Chance +10%
Unique Passive - Thyphoon: Every 3.5 seconds, basic attacks hit 3 enemy units and deal 100 points of Magic Demage. This effect's CD drops as your critical chance rises, while demage rises as attack speed rises.
Unique Passive - Active: Each time Typhoon is cast, one's movement speed will be increased 5% for a short time.

Scarlet Phantom


Price 2120
Physical ATK +30
ATK Speed +20%
Crit. Chance +25%
Unique Passive - Frenzy: Critical hits increase the hero's Attack Speed by 30% and Crit. Rate by5% for 2 seconds.

Blade of the 7 Seas

Price 1950
Physical ATK +75
HP +300
Unique Passive - Steamroll: Skills will lower the target's physical defense by 25 points (applied before demage). Lasts 3 seconds.

Blade of Despair

Price 3010
Physical ATK +170
Move. Speed +5%
Unique Passive - Despair: Attacking enemy units that have HP below 50% will raise hero's physical demage by 30% Lasts 2 seconds. (Takes affect before demage is dealt).

Hunter Strike

Price 2010
Physical ATK +100
Cooldown +10%
Unique Passive - Hunt: Attacks the eney 5 times in a row and improves the hero's movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Bloodlust Axe

Price 1970
Physical ATK +70
Cooldown +10%
Unique: +20% Spell Vamp.

Rose Gold Meteor


Price 2270
Physical ATK +60
Magic RES +30
Lifesteal +5%
Unique Passive - Lifeline: Once the hero's HP falls below 30% they generate a shield that absorbs 510~1350 points of demage (increase with level) that lasts for 3 seconds. CD is 40 seconds.

All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

Enchanted Talisman


Price 1870
Magic Power +50
HP +250
Cooldown +20%
Unique Passive - Mana Spring: Regen 10% total of one's max mana every 10 seconds.

Winter Truncheon


Price 1910
Magic Power +60
Armor +25
HP +400
Unique Passive - Frozen: After sctivating this skill, the hero is unable to move but is immune to any demage effects, leasts for 2 seconds. CD is 100 seconds.
Unique Passive - Frozen : Once frozen, the hero can not move or perform any action, but they are immune to all demage and effects.

Feather of Heaven


Price 2230
Magic Power +65
Attack Speed +30%
Move. Speed +5%
Unique Passive - Affliction: Basic attacks will deal 40% of the hero's AP as additional Magic Demage.

Soul Scroll

Price 1300
Magic Power +10
Unique: +15 Magic PEN
Unique Passive - Soul Steal: Eliminating a hero grants 5 Soul Stacks, while assists grant 3 stacks. Every 15 Soul Stacks convert into 25 points of magic demage. Lose all stacks upon death. (Already converted stacks are unaffected.) Gain up to 100 points of magic demage.

Necklace of Durance


Price 2110
Magic Power +70
Spell Vamp+10%
Unique Passive - Life Drain: Skill dealing demage to the target reduces the regen effect bt 50% for 3 seconds.

Devil Tears

Price 1970
Magic Power +65
Unique: +40% Magic PEN
Unique Passive - Spellbresker: When HP is higher than 70%, the unique bonus effect is increased by 30%.

Holy Crystal

Price 2180
Magic Power +90
Unique: +25% Magic Power
Unique Passive - Exterminate: After a skill hits a target, magic attack will immediately increase 15%. the next skill demage will terminate this effect. This effect can last up to 3 seconds with a built-in cooldown time of 10 seconds.

Concentrated Energy

Price 2020
Magic Power +70
Unique: +25% Spell Vamp
Unique Passive - Recharge: Regen 10% of one's HP after killing a hero.

Ice Queen Wand


Price 2240
Magic Power +75
Spell Vamp+10%
Move. Speed+7%
Unique Passive - Ice Bound: Skills that demage an enemy hero will carry a 15% slow down effect. This effect lasts 3 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times.

Glowing Wand


Price 2120
Magic Power +75
Move. Speed+5%
Unique Passive - Scorch: Skill demage will burn targets for 3 seconds when they hit, dealing 2%/3%/4% of the target's current HP as Magic Demage (10 demage minimum).

Calamity Reaper


Price 1950
Magic Power +70
Mana +100
Mana Regen+30
Unique Passive - Calamity: After using a skill, the next basic attack deals extra true demage that equals to 120% magic attack with a cooldown of 1.5 seconds. Briefly raises movement speed by 10%.

Clock of Destiny


Price 1950
Magic Power +60
Unique Passive - Time: Adds 30 HP and magic attack every 30 seconds. upto 10 times.
Unique Passive - Reincarnate: If Time is fully stacked, then the hero will receive 5% magic attack and 300 mana.

Blood Wings

Price 3000
Magic Power +150
Unique Passive - Nirvana: Adds 1.5 HP for every 1 pt of magic power added.

Fleeting Time

Price 2050
Magic Power +70
Unique Passive - Timestream: After an elimination or an assist, the CD of the hero's ultimate is immediately reduced by 35%.

Lightning Truncheon


Price 2250
Magic Power +75
Mana +300
Unique Passive - Resonate: Every 6 seconds, hero's next magic skill deals bonus magic demage to up to 3 enemies that scales with hero's maximum mana.

All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

Courage Bulwark

Price 1970
HP +770
Cooldown +10%
Unique Passive - Bravery: Increases 10% of attack power and defense for nearby allies.
Unique Passive - Heavy Armor: Nearby soldiers can take more defense turret demage.
Unique Passive - Encourage: Active: Raise the movement speed of heroes by 30%. Also raises physical and magic demage by 20%. Lasts 3 seconds. This effect has a 40 second cooldown.
Unique Passive - Encourage: Raise the movement speed and physical/magical demage of nearby allied heroes.

Blade Armor

Price 1660
Armor +90
- -
Unique Passive - Counterstrike: Deals 25% of opponent's physical attack as physical demage to an attacker when a basic attack is received.

Wings of the Apocalypse Queen


Price 2250
Physical ATK +15
HP +1000
Cooldown +10%
Unique Passive - Demonize: Reduces demage taken by 50% when health is less than 40% and increases your lifesteal by 30%. Lasts 5 seconds. This effect has a 50 second cooldown.

Thunder Belt


Price 2290
HP +800
Mana Regen +30
Cooldown +10%
Armor +40
Unique Passive - Thunderbolt: After a hero activates this skill, their next basic attack deals bonus attack that equal 2% of the hero's total HP. The enemy target and surrounding units are slowed for 1.5 seconds. This effect can only be used once every 1.5 seconds.

Cursed Helmet

Price 1830
HP +920
Magic RES +50
Unique Passive - Burning Soul: Nearby enemy targets take 1.5% of their Max HP as Magic Demage each second. Deals an extra 50% demage to minions.

Sky Guardian Helmet

Price 2400
HP +1550
HP Regen +100
Unique Passive - Recovery: Regenerates 1.5% of hero's total HP. Eliminating enemy heroes raises regeneration rate by 0.4%, while assists only raises the rate by 0.2% (includes eliminations and Assist prior to purchase), up to 3.5%. This effect wears off after 5 seconds of the hero taking demage.

Demon's Advent

Price 2170
HP Regen +30
- -
Unique Passive - Deter: When an enemy hero attacks, this abiloty will reduce his/her attack power 6%. This effect lasts 2 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.



Price 2110
HP +850
Magic RES +36
Cooldown +10%
Unique Passive - Bless: Raises shield absorption and HP regeneration effects by 25%.

Athena's Shield


Price 2050
HP +900
Magic RES +56
HP Regen +20
Unique Passive - Shield: Get a demage-absorbing shield every 30 sev-conds. Shield absorption amount grows as the match goes on, maxing out at 1150.

Dominance Ice


Price 2110
Mana +500
Armor +70
Crit. Chance +5%
Unique: +15% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive - Arctic Cold: Lowers Movement speed 5% and lower attack speed 30% for nearby enemy heroes.


Price 2120
HP +800
Magic RES +40
Unique Passive - Immortal: Resurrest 2 seconds upon death and get 15% HP and a shield that can absorb 300-1000 demage. Shield lasts 3 seconds. This effect has a 180 second cooldown.

Brute Force Breastplate

Price 2120
HP +770
Armor +45
Unique Passive - Brute Force: Casting a skill will increases one's capabilities: increases movement speed by 3% and physical attack by 4%. Lasts 4 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

Twilight Armor


Price 2260
HP +1200
Mana +400
HP Regen +50
Unique Passive - Defiance: After hero takes over 900 points of Physical Demage, they will take 900 points of Physical Demage at most for up to 5 seconds. Cooldown is 5 seconds.

All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

Warrior Boots

Price 690
- -
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Valor: Physical defense will go up 5 with each basic attack received, for an increas of up to 25 points. Lasts 3 seconds.

Tough Boots

Price 890
Magic RES +22
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Fortitude: Reduces time controlled 25%.

Magic Shoes

Price 710
Cooldown +10%
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.

Arcane Boots

Price 740
Magic PEN +15
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.

Swift Boots

Price 710
Attack Speed +15%
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.

Rapid Boots

Price 750
- -
Unique: +100 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Side Effect: Dealing or taking demage slows hero's movement speed by 55 points. Lasts 5 seconds.

Wizard Boots

Price 700
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Plunder: 80 gold will be awarded for assists.

Demon Shoes

Price 720
Mana Regen+30
- -
Unique: +40 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Mysticism: Eliminations of enemy heroes and assists regenerates hero's mana by 10%, while eliminating minions regenerates 4% of the hero's mana.

All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

Curse Sword

Price 760
- -
- -
Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Increases demage by 0.5% on killing a jungle monsters. Stacks up to 2 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% (effect decays over 3s) and reducing target's magic resistance. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.

Star Shard

Price 1505
Magic Power +30
Mana Regen +25
Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Increases demage by 0.5% on killing a jungle monsters. Stacks up to 2 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% (effect decays over 3s) and reducing target's magic resistance. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.

Pillager Axe

Price 760
- -
- -
Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Slaying jungle monster increases one's physical and magic defense 3. Stacks up to 10 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% (effect decays over 3s) and for a short period of time grants a shield based on Max HP. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.

Beast Killer

Price 1605
Armor +20
Magic RES +20
Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Slaying jungle monster increases one's physical and magic defense 3. Stacks up to 10 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% (effect decays over 3s) and for a short period of time grants a shield based on Max HP. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.

Nimble Blade

Price 760
- -
- -
Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Slaying jungle monster increases your physical attack 4. Stacks up to 10 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% and sealing a small amount of True Demage to the target within 3 seconds. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.

Raptor Machete

Price 1550
Physical ATK +30
Physical PEN +15%
Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Slaying jungle monster increases your physical attack 4. Stacks up to 10 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% and sealing a small amount of True Demage to the target within 3 seconds. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.

All Item Mobile Legends Updated !!!

Power Potion

Price 1500
- -
- -
Unique Passive - Increase Power: Automatically used after purchased, giving 30 physical attack, 5% of physical lifesteal. Lasts 120 seconds. Only one potion effect can be used at any one time.

Rock Potion

Price 1500
- -
- -
Unique Passive - Increase Power: Automatically used after purchased, giving 500 Max HP, 15% of resilience. Lasts 120 seconds. Only one potion effect can be used at any one time.

Magic Potion

Price 1500
- -
- -
Unique Passive - Increase Power: Automatically used after purchased, giving 30 magic power, 15% of cooldown reduction. Lasts 120 seconds. Only one potion effect can be used at any one time.

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