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When just a child, both of Alucard's parents were killed by demons and he was imprisoned and suffered cruelties at their hands for several months, until finally he was rescued by demon hunters and raised by them. From a young age, he was raised to be an outstanding demon hunter, with an extreme enmity for a demon race. The three iron laws of the demon hunters are: Swear no allegiance to any army. Spare not a single one of demon kind. Never stop carrying out missions.
Movement Speed | 260 |
Physical Attack | 123 |
Magic Power | 0 |
Armor | 21 |
Magic Resistance | 10 |
HP | 2821 |
Mana | 0 |
Attack Speed | 0.9 |
HP Regen | 39 |
Mana Regen | 0 |
Gear Alucard Best Build Item Mobile Legends Guide
Skill Passive
Base Demage -
Mana Cost -
Cooldown -
If this skill hits 1 enemy, it deals demage x1.2. If hits 2 enemy, it deals demage x1.1. Alucard's next basic attack after using any skill deals demage x1.2 and makes him move to the target.
Skill 1
Base Demage 240>380
Mana Cost -
Cooldown 10.0>7.5
Alucard leaps forward and launches 1 strikes. Each strike deals 240(+160% Extra Physical Attack) points of Physical Demage and slow the enemies.
Whirling Smash
Skill 2
Base Demage 230>380
Mana Cost -
Cooldown 5.0
Slashes at nearby enemies, dealing 230(+140% Extra Physical Attack) points of Physical Demage.
Fission Wave
Skill 3
Base Demage 440>760
Lifesteal 20%>30%
Cooldown 30.0>20.0
Alucard gains physical lifesteal by 20% and and locks into an enemy, dealing extra demage on the target while raising his lifesteal by 100%. Lasts 8 seconds. During the time, the hero can fire a powerfull attack wave foward, dealing 440(+220% Extra Physical Attack) points of Physical Demage to enemies.
Gear Alucard Best Build Item Mobile Legends Guide
Nimble Blade
Price 760- -
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Unique: +30% Demage to Monsters.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Slaying jungle monster increases your physical attack 4. Stacks up to 10 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% and sealing a small amount of True Demage to the target within 3 seconds. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.
Unique Passive - Greed: Get an extra 30% Exp when jungling. regain 4% of maximum health and 10% of mana after monster kill.
Unique Passive - Gorge: Slaying jungle monster increases your physical attack 4. Stacks up to 10 times.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell "Retribution" applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% and sealing a small amount of True Demage to the target within 3 seconds. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect.
Warrior Boots
Price 690- -
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Unique: +40 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Valor: Physical defense will go up 5 with each basic attack received, for an increas of up to 25 points. Lasts 3 seconds.
Unique Passive - Valor: Physical defense will go up 5 with each basic attack received, for an increas of up to 25 points. Lasts 3 seconds.
Rapid Boots
Price 750--
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Unique: +100 Movement Speed.
Unique Passive - Side Effect: Dealing or taking demage slows hero's movement speed by 55 points. Lasts 5 seconds.
Unique Passive - Side Effect: Dealing or taking demage slows hero's movement speed by 55 points. Lasts 5 seconds.
Endless Battle
Price 2470
Physical ATK +65
Mana Regen +25
HP +250
Cooldown +10%
Move. Speed +5%
Lifesteal +15%
Unique Passive - Divine Justice: After using a skill, the next basic attack will deal an additional 85% of Physical Attack as True Demage. This effect has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
Unique Passive - Chase Fate: When Divine Justice's effect is triggered, it will increase the hero's movement speed 15%.
Unique Passive - Chase Fate: When Divine Justice's effect is triggered, it will increase the hero's movement speed 15%.
Berserker's Fury
Price 2200Physical ATK +65
Crit. Chance +25%
Unique: +40% Crit. Demage.
Unique Passive - Doom: Critical hits increase the hero's Physical Attack by 5% for 2 seconds.
Unique Passive - Doom: Critical hits increase the hero's Physical Attack by 5% for 2 seconds.
Haas's Claws
Price 1810Physical ATK +70
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Unique: +20% Lifesteal.
Unique Passive - Insanity: When HP drops below 40%, the hero will receive an extra 10% physical lifesteal.
Unique Passive - Insanity: When HP drops below 40%, the hero will receive an extra 10% physical lifesteal.
Bloodlust Axe
Price 1970Physical ATK +70
Cooldown +10%
Unique: +20% Spell Vamp.
Rose Gold Meteor
Price 2270
Physical ATK +60
Magic RES +30
Lifesteal +5%
Unique Passive - Lifeline: Once the hero's HP falls below 30% they generate a shield that absorbs 510~1350 points of demage (increase with level) that lasts for 3 seconds. CD is 40 seconds.
Sky Guardian Helmet
Price 2400HP +1550
HP Regen +100
Unique Passive - Recovery: Regenerates 1.5% of hero's total HP. Eliminating enemy heroes raises regeneration rate by 0.4%, while assists only raises the rate by 0.2% (includes eliminations and Assist prior to purchase), up to 3.5%. This effect wears off after 5 seconds of the hero taking demage.
Blade of Despair
Price 3010Physical ATK +170
Move. Speed +5%
Unique Passive - Despair: Attacking enemy units that have HP below 50% will raise hero's physical demage by 30% Lasts 2 seconds. (Takes affect before demage is dealt).
Power Potion
Price 1500- -
- -
Unique Passive - Increase Power: Automatically used after purchased, giving 30 physical attack, 5% of physical lifesteal. Lasts 120 seconds. Only one potion effect can be used at any one time.
Gear Alucard Best Build Item Mobile Legends Guide
Gear Alucard Best Build Item Mobile Legends Guide
level 1-5
level 5-10
level 10-15